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中国防痨杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (8): 778-782.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6621.2021.08.005

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张铁娟(), 潘艳, 马建军, 侯伟, 张膑   

  1. 130103 长春,吉林省结核病防治科学研究院预防控制所(张铁娟、潘艳),诊疗质量评价所(马建军);吉林省疾病预防控制中心财务科(侯伟);德惠市传染病医院(张膑)
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-04 出版日期:2021-08-10 发布日期:2021-07-30
  • 通信作者: 张铁娟
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of the effect of the new medical insurance payment model in reducing economic burden of pulmonary tuberculosis patients

ZHANG Tie-juan(), PAN Yan, MA Jian-jun, HOU Wei, ZHANG Bin   

  1. Department of Tuberculosis Prevention and Control, Jilin Provincial Institute of Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment, Changchun 130103, China
  • Received:2021-06-04 Online:2021-08-10 Published:2021-07-30
  • Contact: ZHANG Tie-juan


目的 评价中国国家卫生健康委员会-比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会结核病防治合作项目三期(简称“中盖结核病项目三期”)吉林省支付改革试点地区——德惠市按病种全疗程付费模式的实施效果,为“十四五”期间结核病防控策略提供参考依据。 方法 2018年在比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会和中盖结核病项目三期专家的指导下,制定本地化的临床路径,并按照临床路径和实际费用确定付费标准(普通肺结核全门诊3600元,全疗程9000元),实行门诊“按人头全疗程打包付费”、住院“按单病种付费”管理的模式,取消门诊和住院患者报销起付线,医疗费用按照70%的比例报销;收集整理德惠市传染病医院项目试点前后(2017年与2018年)肺结核患者门诊及住院的诊疗费用情况,分析比较项目试点前后患者自付比例。 结果 肺结核患者住院比例由2017年的16.9%(87/515)降低至2018年的14.5%(100/689);2018年门诊费用同比减少18.1%(167706.8/928481.2),住院费用同比减少6.6%(29318.4/445946.6);2018年门诊次均费用和住院次均费用分别为340.2元和4044.9元,较2017年分别降低29.5%(142.6/482.8)和 21.1%(1080.9/5125.8)。2018年完成全疗程治疗的肺结核患者(除结核性胸膜炎外)费用中位数为3651.3(1952.5,6122.9)元,较2017年下降20.5%(941.3/4592.6);2018年门诊和住院费用自付比例均为30.0%(228232.3/760774.4;124988.5/416628.2),分别低于2017年门诊费用自付比(38.5%,357674.5/928481.2)和住院费用自付比(33.2%,147865.9/445946.6),差异均有统计学意义(χ2=1016.000,P<0.001;χ2=186.000,P<0.001)。结论 德惠市按病种全疗程付费模式采用规范化制度的干预措施,控制了不合理的医疗费用增长,减轻了患者的经济负担。

关键词: 结核,肺, 保险,健康,补偿, 临床路径, 患病代价, 策略


Objective To evaluate the effect of disease based full-course payment in Dehui City, a pilot area for the payment reform of National Health Commission of China-Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation TB Collaboration Project Phase Ⅲ in Jilin Province, and provide reference for tuberculosis (TB) prevention and control strategies during the 14th Five-Year Plan. Methods In 2018, under the guidance of national experts, a localized clinical pathway was formulated. The payment standard was determined according to this clinical pathway and actual costs (3600 yuan for outpatient and 9000 yuan for full course treatment). Outpatient expenses were packaged and paid per person for the full treatment course, while hospitalization expenses were paid in accordance with disease based payment. Reimbursement threshold for outpatients and inpatients was cancelled and medical expenses were reimbursed at a proportion of 70%. Data was collected and analyzed for costs of diagnosis and treatment of outpatient and inpatient pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) patients in Dehui City before and after pilot project implementation during 2017 and 2018. Results The proportion of hospitalization for PTB patients decreased from 16.9% (87/515) in 2017 to 14.5% (100/689) in 2018. In 2018, outpatient expenses decreased by 18.1% (167706.8/928481.2) year-on-year, and hospitalization expenses decreased by 6.6% (29318.4/445946.6) year-on-year. The average expense of outpatient per visit and the average expense of inpatient per visit were 340.2 yuan and 4044.9 yuan in 2018, which had decreased by 29.5% (142.6/482.8) and 21.1% (1080.9/5125.8) compared with 2017, respectively. The median expense per PTB patient (not including pleurisy TB) who completed the full treatment course in 2018 was 3651.3 (1952.5, 6122.9) yuan, which decreased by 20.5% (941.3/4592.6) compared with 2017. In 2018, the outpatient and inpatient out-of-pocket proportions were both 30.0% (228232.3/760774.4; 124988.5/416628.2), which were lower than those in 2017 (outpatient 38.5% (357674.5/928481.2) and inpatient 33.2% (147865.9/445946.6)). The difference was statistically significant (χ2=1016.000, P<0.001; χ2=186.000, P<0.001). Conclusion The disease based payment model for full treatment course in Dehui City adopted intervention measures including standardized mechanism, patient service packages, which limited the unreasonable growth of medical expenses and reduced the patients’ economic burden.

Key words: Tuberculosis,pulmonary, Insurance,health,reimbursement, Critical pathways, Cost of illness, Strategy